Direct B-Tech Admission Vishwakarma Engineering Institute – 2024 batch

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Direct B-Tech Admission Vishwakarma Engineering Institute

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Direct B-Tech Admission Vishwakarma Engineering Institute – 2024 batch
Direct B-Tech Admission Vishwakarma Engineering Institute

About Vishwakarma Engineering College Pune

VIT, Pune, a highly commendable private college, occupies a place of pride amongst the premier technical colleges of the western region of India. It established in the year 1983, financed and run by the Bansilal Ramnath Agrawal Charitable Trust, Pune. Enroll Direct B-Tech Admission Vishwakarma Engineering Institute – 2024 batch

It is affiliated to the University of Pune . Within three decades, the college marched towards the pinnacle of glory through its remarkable achievements and laurels in the field of engg education of high calibre. According to Indian history, ‘Vishwakarma’ is a divine architect-engineer. It is believed that He fashioned this world with His rare engg skills. The Trust adopted this name with a vision to develop engineers of high calibre, who could take up challenges of any type of engg job and become successful in the chosen career. Enroll Direct B-Tech Admission Vishwakarma Engineering Institute – 2022 batch

The campus spread over 17.625 acres of land, boasts of lush green lawns that provide an ambience and a serene atmosphere of ancient Gurukuls far from the madding crowd. VIT hereafter called, as ‘The Institute’ is one of the leading autonomous colleges permanently affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University . It was started in 1983 with an objective to impart quality technical education for the overall development of students and the latest need of Society in general and Industry in particular. Enroll Direct B-Tech Admission Vishwakarma Engineering Institute – 2024 batch

The Institute is running 9 under graduate, 8 post-graduate & 6 Ph.D. Programme which are affiliated to the University of Pune. The Institution was selected under the world bank project TEQIP Phase- I i.e. Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme by Ministry of HRD, New Delhi. Enroll Direct B-Tech Admission Vishwakarma Engineering Institute – 2024 batch

The institute:

  • The Institution is ISO 9001-2015 certified by BSI, India.
  • The college has been granted autonomous status since academic year 2008-09 and has autonomous status upto 2020.
  • The college was accredited (‘A’ Grade ) by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore from July 2013 for the next five years.

Entrepreneurship Development Cell

ED Cell was formed on 7th September, 2013 with the following strategic intent:


Producing successful entrepreneurs imbibed with leadership qualities using innovative and ethical business practices to make global impact


Instill the passion and spirit among students to pursue entrepreneurship

Long Term Goals (5 Years)

  • Motivate students to develop their own startups
  • Develop business incubators
  • Create corpus fund to seed ventures
  • Short Term Goals (2 Years)
  • To provide a platform for interaction with entrepreneurs
  • Impart entrepreneurial education/skills amongst students through various trainings and exercise
  • Arrange vibrant interaction with organizations promoting the cause of entrepreneurship.

Organization Structure of EDC:

  • Chairman: Dr. R.M. Jalnekar (Hon. Director)
  • Faculty Secretary: Prof. Rajesh Dhake (Dean – Students’ Activities)
  • Faculty Treasurer: Prof. Anand Umrani (Asstistant Professor, Dept. of Indus. and Prod. Engg.)

Faculty Advisors:

  • S.K. Jabade (Dean – International Relations & Alumni)
  • M.M. Kulkarni (Head – Dept. of Engg. Sciences & Humanities)
  • Convener : Mayank Loya (Industrial Engg. Dept.)

Students Core Committee:

  • Bipin Mandge (Industrial Engg. Dept.)
  • Aditya Afle (Industrial Engg. Dept.)
  • Tanmay Kavathekar (Industrial Engg. Dept.)
  • Aditi Katare (Computer Engg. Dept.)
  • Apurva Dabhade (Computer Engg. Dept.)
  • Ashish Karale (Computer Engg. Dept.)
  • Kajal Mundada (Information Technology Engg. Dept.)
  • Yash Thakur (Chemical Engg. Dept.)
  • Pratik Kharade (Computer Engg. Dept.)
  • Prerona Chaudhari (Computer Engg. Dept.)

 The Core Committee is supported by the following Working Committees:

  • Multimedia and Aesthetics
  • Public, Corporate Relations and Startup Connect

Accounts and Documentation

The meaningful academic collaborations are fostered with the aim of:

This is Offering students international exposure, opportunities and enhancing skills of VIT (VI) faculty by providing platform for interaction, teaching, and research with universities abroad.

Academic collaborations with international universities are developed with the following objectives:

  • Establish Two Stage Master’s Programmes with foreign universities wherein part of the programme is conducted in VIT and other in the foreign university.
  • Establish student exchange programme.
  • Initiate summer internship for Undergraduate and Post graduate Students.
  • Joint research projects with foreign Universities.
  • Recognition of Vishwakarma Institute faculty in foreign Universities as adjunct faculty.
  • Faculty Exchange.
  • Offer opportunity of scholarship benefits to VI students.
  • Offer Students choice for International Post Graduation in third year of engg and prepare them as per the requirements of the university.

Scope to join Vishwakarma Engineering:

The international academic relations encompasses diverse continents such as Europe, Canada, Australia and South East Asia Collaborations in each of the continent are in tune with one of the said strategies as follows:

  • Europe: Academic collaborations with French Group of universities for student exchange, collaborative research projects.
  • Canada: Student exchange programmes with group of institutions in Ontario State.
  • USA: Collaboration with Marist College, New York. Enroll Direct B-Tech Admission Vishwakarma Engineering Institute – 2022 batch
  • Australia: Summer Internships in pipeline with University of Western Australia.

Collaborations in France:

Groupe des Ecoles des Mines (GEM)

GEM is a group of 7 engg schools of higher learning in France. Student exchange and Joint research program is initiated with these schools. Enroll Direct B-Tech Admission Vishwakarma Engineering Institute – 2022 batch

Student Exchange:

  • Six of the Third Year Students from VI have successfully completed one semester in GEM institutions in France and a batch of 9 students are selected for 2009-10. Three French students from GEM, France is studying in VI under student exchange program.
  • VI students availed privileges offered to French students (For example: Accommodation at subsidized rate, concession in local travel etc.)
  • Language of instruction was primarily French, however students were allowed to use English in answer sheets during examination.
  • A dedicated French Language training secession (of 200 hours) is organized by Alliance Francoise de Pune for these students.
  • Subject equivalence, credit transfer aspects for each of the students was arrived at by respective Board of Studies of each programme in VI.

Joint Research Program:

This programme will be developed within the framework of the Indo-French Consortium of Universities (IFCU). This consortium is promoted by the representation of French Universities [Conference des Presidents d’Universites (CPU) and Conference des Directeurs des Ecoles Francasies d’Ingenieurs (CDEFI] and Association of Indian Universities comprising French and Indian institutions of higher education. Enroll Direct B-Tech Admission Vishwakarma Engineering Institute – 2022 batch

“n+i” Network:

This network is a:

  • A non-profit making association.
  • Federates admissions in over 80 engg schools in France.
  • National Program Administered by Agence EduFrance and Supported by French Ministry.

An MoU between n + i network and VIT is signed in Paris. Significance of the MoU is that the students have to submit only one application for post graduate studies wherein the network administers and routes the application in various schools. Respective schools offer admissions to students.

Canada OMG Programme

  • OMG stands for Ontario-Maharashtra-Goa students exchange programme. Consortium of 17 colleges / universities from Ontario state.
  • Opportunity for VI student to attend one or more terms in one of the universities.
  • OMG Mobility grant will cover portion of travel costs of VI students.
  • A student from Queens College from Ontario to join VI under the student exchange programme from July / September 2009.
  • Ten students from VI are completing one semester in Ontario state universities under this programme.

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